Assist customer in crafting customized reinsurance policies that aptly align suitable investments with their changing risk profiles. Our broking and analytical teams offer guidance utilizing Asrinda Re-Brokers customized solutions along with our strategic consulting services.

Enhance data management and deliver greater value with solutions that swiftly and consistently process data.

Extensive Experience in designing reinsurance capacity strategis.

Claim handling Excellence is a cornerstone of our value proposition, with our dedicated team collaborating seamlessly with local, regional, and international partners. We maintain excellent relationships across global reinsurance markets.


Asrinda Re-Brokers has served as the reinsurance ally for more than 33 years, demonstrating a profound grasp of both insurance and reinsurance, positioning us as the preferred partner for brokers.

Electronic online benefits administration and open enrollment offer a wide range of options for delivering benefit packages to our client partner. Facilitates choices for our client with solution from Management System and Host-to-Host interface to aid in risk management, expediting loss reporting, and processing claims.